Portraits of infamous dictators for a campaign promoting freedom of information.
A series of cat litter trays featuring our portrait illustrations by James White, to raise money for a campaign against internet censorship.
The internet is for everyone. But the rulers of some countries attempt to ‘own’ the internet and control their citizens through censorship.
PR agency, Cow, launched a global campaign called “Pussycat Riot” for internet privacy company HideMyAss.com, to raise money for the non-profit; Index on Censorship. The company wanted people to see content blocked by governments and the satirical cat products protest against regimes which deny citizens the right to access websites such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. And the millions of cat videos therein, naturally.
Litter trays with the faces of Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Russia’s Vladimir Putin, Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro, North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un, and Egyptian president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi were made available for sale. The leaders were chosen based on their poor records on internet freedom, whist the artwork was featured heavily across both US and UK media (USA Today, CNN, BBC, The Mirror Newspaper, The Daily Mail).
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"Whether it is Turkey's and Venezuela's bans on YouTube and Twitter, the 'great firewall of China', or Russia's 'law on bloggers' and WiFi curbs, internet censorship is an indefensible attack on civil liberties"